Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Russians Spying

 I'm just wondering.

Having returned from a week on the high seas of the Caribbean, I've spent some time catching up on a report issued by this fellow Mueller.

Now, I haven't read it...and don't intend to.  I'll just do like the majority of Americans who care, and listen to talking heads on TV to keep me on the straight and narrow!

I'm assuming that the President of the United States, and the republican leaders in Congress and across the country are rising to proclaim that the Russians are coming, the Russians are coming - protect the wives and children. The Russians are coming!

I'm counting on them to get fired up because the communists are infiltrating our good land.

Oh wait?


They ain't said nothin!

Didn't they get all fired up with Hillary had some e-mail problems and the security of the country was threatened because she was using an electronic device that could have been hacked - and our secrets could be stolen?

I don't think there was ever any proof of that, just some hollering. 

But, in 2016, all those Ruskies did was infiltrate and compromise the bedrock of our democracy, the election.

But, what about those Hillary e-mails?  We need to investigate what happened.

Jeez, Louise!

And now, the little guy from North Korea is meeting with Vlad.

Oh my, oh my.

Monday, April 1, 2019

The People's People


Here we are, about 18 months away from "the most important election in the history of the republic" - aren't they all - and, as Jackie Gleason said in his long ago TV series, "Away We Go"!

But a way is hard to find.

Senator Mitch McConnell, the republican from Kentucky, as a story in Politico says is:

"faced with his own reelection and defending a tough GOP map in 2020, has no incentive to work with House Democrats on their domestic agenda.

A Senate blockade will deny Democrats tangible winds to tout on the campaign trail, while keeping vulnerable Senate GOP incumbents from having to take difficult votes.  Republicans are also intent on shielding President Donald Trump from potentially awkward veto fights on legislation that polls well."

To which I say, a fine kettle of fish.

Who's looking out for the country, when the elected politicians are, first and foremost, looking out for themselves? 

The cynic in me says votes are taken, for the most part, based on what our elected folks think is best (better) for their own political future - and the folks back home, be damned.

What's happened to the people's representatives in government?  Does it still exist - or is that a bit of fiction that I read about in school?

Hey, folks - we're out here - think of what's good for the country - not your political future.