Friday, December 23, 2016


Here's a photo I might have posted earlier, but then again, maybe not.  It was taken about 1958.  My little brother and my little sister admiring our tree in the living room window at our house on Valverde Street in Taos.  (I checked, the house now has a street #707. When I grew up it was the house "at the bottom of the hill.")

The "secretary desk" against the wall, and the cabinet for the radio against the other wall still exist.


Those were memorable times.  My brother didn't live long enough to see all of the Christmas events that he should have.  My sister, Bunny, remains the mainstay of her part of the family - now headquartered in Guernsey, Wyoming.

Friday, December 16, 2016

'tis the time again

It's been a while...lots of things going on.  Time for a little timeout from all the hustle and bustle. Enjoy the holidays!