Thursday, February 18, 2016

Daytona 500 Throwback

Bucket List  -  Daytona 500  -  Throwback to 2011 -

Here are some views of the Daytona 500.  Many are self explanatory.  Comments added.

There's a welcome sign...and a thanks sign...that is right outside the track

Infield a couple hours before the race

I never had any idea there was such a banked track...this is right near the start/finish line

My view from high up.  When I told a friend I was going, he said...don't sit low...sit high.  If you're down low, the noise is incredible, and they're traveling so fast you'll never know who just whizzed by.  He was right!

Yep, this is blue collar country!

Trevor Bayne won the race in 2011...I was on the bus headed for parking and the 5 hour 20mph trip from Daytona back to Orlando.  Talk about traffic!!!!

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