Wednesday, June 27, 2012

What's in a name?

About 22 years ago fledgling professional golfers in search of the big time checks started participating in a minor league tour named after and by the Ben Hogan Company.

A couple of years later The Hogan Tour became the Nike Tour, named after that company.  That lasted 6 years.

Then came the Buy.Com tour.  That lasted for a couple years.

Then came the Nationwide tour.  That lasted from then until today (June 27, 2012).

Starting today, the Nationwide Tour is gone and it is now to be known as the Web.Com tour.

The participants have the same good enough to get a card and then try the big time.  Some make it, some bounce back and forth.

Someday, maybe professional tour golf will return to Albuquerque and New Mexico.  It was here for the Nike years.  It was hear for the Buy.Com years.  And before that it was here for the Sunwest Bank Charley Pride Senior Golf Classic.

All we need is a company to belly-up-to-the-bar with a few hundred thousand dollars and away we Jackie Gleason would say....

He loved golf!

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