Friday, October 11, 2013

ABQ International Sunport Chopper Four Display

At the Albuquerque International Sunport there is a fascinating display of aircraft models depicting those that have used the runways over the many years of the airport's existence.

From the models of the giant Soviet plane that brought a nuclear device to Sandia Labs to be repaired to a model of the Ford Tri-Motor - much like the one I had a chance to ride in back in the days when TWA existed and they were in ABQ as part of a commemoration of their transcontinental air service.   Albuquerque was one of the TWA main stops for many, many years.

Then, there is this model:

Well, the chopper didn't crash at the had a hard landing at a company picnic.  I know, I was there.

My questions:

-Why is the commentary about the "crashed" necessary?
-Why doesn't KOB-TV say something about this and get the commentary changed?

Oh, by the way, no one was injured (except for pride) in the incident and the helicopter company from whom we leased the chopper had a new one for us to use 2 days later.

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